Most small businesses simply don’t have the resources to retain in-house counsel. At the same time, operating without legal advice is dangerous. A simple mistake that a lawyer could have easily warned you against could end up costing your company a fortune.The answer to this dilemma is outside general counsel services. Instead of retaining a lawyer on staff full time, you pay only for the advice you need, when you need it. At Padgett Law, P.A., we provide such services. Our Tampa-based attorney has more than 35 years of experience in a wide range of business law matters. You can trust him to be highly accessible and responsive, providing the proactive counsel you require to make informed decisions.

“Avoiding problems on the front end is typically far less expensive than trying to fix them later. I’m available to discuss all your legal issues before you make any costly — or potentially fatal  business decisions.” – Attorney Stanley T. Padgett

Comprehensive Advice Designed To Help Your Business Succeed

Padgett Law, P.A., provides counsel and representation in a full spectrum of business issues, including:

  • Business startups
  • Business dissolution or restructuring
  • Commercial collections
  • Commercial real estate leases
  • Employment policies and handbooks
  • Insurance coverage and personal liability protection
  • Litigation or alternative dispute resolution
  • Partnership agreements
  • Regulatory compliance with state and federal agencies
  • Sales, purchases, mergers and acquisitions
  • Shareholder agreements and operating agreements
  • Succession planning
  • Vendor contracts

From Stan’s interview for the Masters of the Courtroom series on

Choosing The Right Business Entity

The foundation for a company’s success begins with selecting the right entity. With extensive experience in business formation, Mr. Padgett is ideally equipped to advise you about the pros and cons of each type of entity, from sole proprietorships and limited liability companies to S corporations and nonprofits. His mission is to help you achieve your business goals, minimize your personal liability, and minimize your personal and business tax liabilities.

Schedule a consultation about any business concern in Florida by calling Padgett Law, P.A. at 813-302-1376. You can also reach our lawyer by email.